Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Trifold Birthday at the Skaterink

Last night I truly skated. I havn't had on skates since 5th grade, and even then I was too afraid to leave the carpet. So I thought it was time to force myself to have fun. I got around the rink 13 times unassisted, then my friend Colette took me around at a faster pace. I fell down twice. The first time was my fault, and I have a weird triangular sci-fi bruise on my wrist. The second time happened when another person wasn't paying attention and knocked me on my tail bone. I got back up and skated it off. Theoretically skating is fun. I mean it looks like fun. But in reality I am too stressed to enjoy it and when every anyone looks at me I wobble and go towards the wall. The same thing happens when I bike next to parked cars. I'll probably try again. At least this time the place was filled with my friends and not 14 year old haters.